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Foreclosures Have Urgent Deadlines—Act Now Before A Family Loses Their Home
Grandmother & Grandson
1 kid (age 13)
Fayetteville, NC
3 kids (ages 2, 4, 8)
Albemarle, NC
Single Dad
3 kids (ages 1, 4, 6)
Asheville, NC
Single Mom
2 kids (ages 9, 11)
Wilmington, NC
When a parent loses their home to foreclosure, the impact goes far beyond the loss of a home. Their credit is destroyed, making it nearly impossible to secure a rental. Left with limited options, they’re forced to ask the heartbreaking question: Where will my kids and I live? Many end up in shelters, living in their car, or crowding in with relatives or friends—who are often struggling themselves. This cycle of instability leads to increased divorce, child abuse, depression, and more, leaving families in crisis with nowhere to turn. You can help.
Your donation is recycled and reused to help stop foreclosures, protecting families for generations. What makes this model unique is its self-replenishing nature—when a homeowner refinances or sells their home, the donations used to stop foreclosure are returned to Saving Homes. This cycle ensures that your generosity doesn’t just provide immediate relief—it lives on, helping family after family stay in their homes.
At Saving Homes, our mission is to prevent foreclosures and keep children in safe, stable homes. But we can’t do this without you. Every day, families face urgent foreclosure deadlines, and without enough support, some will be turned away—left with nowhere to go.
We combine creative innovation, financial and tech solutions, and the power of neighborly generosity to give struggling families a second chance. With your help, children won’t have to crowd into homeless shelters or wonder where they will sleep at night.
Together, we can save homes—and futures.
Saving Homes collects tax-deductible donations from caring people like you.
Saving Homes carefully vets each family to identify hardworking families who have experienced a temporary hardship and are truly deserving of your support.
For those who qualify, Saving Homes provides a 0% interest, no-payment loan to stop foreclosure and keep families in their homes.
Once a home is saved, Saving Homes provides ongoing support to help families regain stability and avoid foreclosure in the future.
When a family sells or refinances their home, the funds are repaid to Saving Homes, allowing the nonprofit to help the next family in need!
Your donation can save a home and keep children out of shelters.
us in our mission to provide stability and a life-line for
families in need! Even a small donation or share can make an everlasting difference the children that are about to lose their home.